butterfly kisses, dandelion wishes, and other motherhood malarkey.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Summer makes me lazy. And my house looks it. Today, I am wishing for rain, but the sun is out, and the sky is blue, and it looks like it's going to be a day that I can't use too much wine last night as an excuse for unproductivity today. Ugh.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Truth be told, she begged to blow those bubbles, and I wanted nothing to do with them.

 Bubbles suck. I don't like being involved with them, and usually pass them off to grandparents, or single friends, because they are more trouble then they are worth.

When did I get so flipping old? Listen to me.

Yet, I post these photos, adoring my own child, and delighted in her small speck of childhood, even though, at that very moment, I know I was most likely annoyed at the mess.

I suck.


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

so....this happened.

and then this, the very next day..

i barely made it out of the weekend alive. i felt like it was new years eve for two days. excited, and anxious, and sad. it shook me.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I write a blog that has gained quite a bit of popularity. I used to wonder if anyone would read it. I used to wish someone was. And then it began, and got bigger. What started off as a way for me to vent to nameless, faceless, people, has morphed into a weekly newspaper column, and people recognizing me on the street. My honesty has become...well...dishonest. By that, I am only telling a little bit, because too many people know who I am, and my life has to be mine too. You know?

I want a space back that is like my diary. A place where I can put it all out there, and not have to fear repercussion. From photos, to bitching, even cursing! I have curbed my use of four letter words to please the public, and that is soooo not me. Not that I have a potty mouth, but sometimes, it is very appropriate to say Fuck. Wow! I can't believe I just typed that. That felt good.

So, I don't know where this will go. I don't know if anyone will read it. And quite honestly, I don't care. So...onwards.